See below for important bill information and member-exclusive updates about nursing legislation in California by ANA\California's Executive Director and Lobbyist.
Advocacy Update Log:
November 6th, 2023
August 8th, 2023
May 3rd, 2023
April 13th, 2023
March 28th, 2023
Click the links below to quickly navigate to each bill update.
Assembly Bills:
AB 608 (Schiavo) - Medi-Cal: comprehensive perinatal service
AB 625 (Aguiar-Curry) - Forest biomass: management: emissions: energy
AB 727 (Weber) - Product safety: cleaning products: perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances
AB 1028 (McKinnor) - Reporting of crimes: mandated reporters
AB 1314 (Essayli and Gallagher) - Gender identity: parental notification
Senate Bills:
SB 410 (Becker) – Powering Up Californians Act (1 new update!)
SB 541 (Menjivar) - Sexual health: contraceptives: immunization
SB 667 (Dodd) - Healing arts: pregnancy and childbirth (2 new updates!)
SB 774 (Jones and Grove) - Nonprofit health facilities: sale of assets: Attorney General approval: conditional consent
SB 793 (Glazer) - Insurance: privacy notices and personal information
Watched Bills
AB 4 (Arambula) - Covered California: expansion
AB 315 (Bauer-Kahan) - False advertising: abortion
AB 816 (Haney) Minors: consent to medical care
AB 904 (Calderon) - Health care coverage: doulas
AB 1359 (Schiavo) - Paid sick days: health care employees
AB 1577 (Low) - General acute care hospitals: clinical placements: nursing
AB 1063 (Gabriel) - Nurse-to-patient staffing ratios: annual report
AB 1695 (Gipson) - Career technical education: Nursing Pathway Pilot Program
AB 1707 (Pacheco) Health professionals and facilities: adverse actions based on another state’s law
AB 1722 (Dahle, Megan) Pupil health: credentialed school nurses, registered nurses, and licensed vocational nurses
SB 19 (Seyarto) Anti-Fentanyl Abuse Task Force
SB 302 (Stern) Compassionate Access to Medical Cannabis Act
SB 525 (Durazo) Minimum wage: health care workers
SB 570 (Becker) Prenatal screening program
SB 625 (Nguyen) - Newborn screening: genetic diseases: blood samples collected
More Advocacy Updates
List of additional federal, state, and local advocacy actions taken by ANA\California to support our public policy agenda. (7 new updates!)
Legislative Watch Video Updates
By ANA\C Executive Director & Lobbyist:
November 6th - ANA\California Executive Director, Dr. Marketa Houskova, & ANA\California Lobbyist, Roxanne Gould provide an overview of important bills signed and vetoed by Governor Newsom.
May 3rd - ANA\California Executive Director, Dr. Marketa Houskova, provides an overview of important bills and recent changes.
April 12th - ANA\California Executive Director, Dr. Marketa Houskova, provides an overview of important bills and recent changes.
Assembly Bills:
AB 4 (Arambula) - Covered California: expansion
ANA\California's Position: Pending
AB 315 (Bauer-Kahan) - False advertising: abortion
ANA\California's Position: Pending
AB 418 (Gabriel) - Food product safety
ANA\California's Position: Support
March 23rd, 2023 - ANA\California signs coalition letter of support.
April 5th, 2023 - Joined coalition with the Association of Nurses for Health Environments (ANHE).
AB 571 (Petrie-Norris) - Medical malpractice insurance
ANA\California's Position: Support
April 5th, 2023 - ANA\California submits a letter of support.
AB 576 (Weber) - Medi-Cal: reimbursement for abortion
ANA\California's Position: Support
April 5th, 2023 - ANA\California submits a letter of support.
AB 608 (Schiavo) - Medi-Cal: comprehensive perinatal services
ANA\California's Position: Support
April 5th, 2023 - ANA\California submits a letter of support.
AB 625 (Aguiar-Curry) - Forest biomass: management: emissions: energy
ANA\California's Position: Support
April 1st, 2023 - ANA\California submits a letter of support.
AB 727 (Weber) - Product safety: cleaning products: perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances.
ANA\California's Position: Support
April 5th, 2023 - ANA\California signs a support letter from the coalition led by EWG and the California Association of Sanitation Agencies.
AB 765 (Wood) - Physicians and surgeons
ANA\California's Position: Oppose Unless Amended
April 11th, 2023 - ANA\California monitored the Assembly Business & Professions Committee Hearing.
April 5th, 2023 - ANA\California changes position from Watch to Oppose Unless Amended
March 28th, 2023 - AB 765 (Wood) will be heard in Assembly Business & Professions Committee on April 11th, 2023. View the agenda.
March 26th, 2023 - ANA\California's Executive Director and Lobbyist recorded the following video to provide an update and clarify bill language from AB 765 (Wood). The bill has created concern among California's doctorally-prepared nursing communities. This video discusses why.
Video: AB 765 - ANA\California Clarifies Bill Language
March 24th, 2023
ANA\California Executive Director and Lobbyist meet with Assemblymember Wood's Chief of Staff to discuss concerns regardings AB 765.
AB 904 (Calderon) - Health care coverage: doulas
ANA\California's Position: Pending
AB 1028 (McKinnor) - Reporting of crimes: mandated reporters
ANA\California's Position: Support
April 5th, 2023 - ANA\California submits a letter of support.
AB 1063 (Gabriel) - Nurse-to-patient staffing ratios: annual report
ANA\California's Position: Pending
AB 1314 (Essayli and Gallagher) - Gender identity: parental notification
ANA\California's Position: Watch
April 5th, 2023 - ANA\California reaches out to California School Nurses Association for comment.
AB 1359 (Schiavo) - Paid sick days: health care employees
ANA\California's Position: Pending
AB 1577 (Low) - General acute care hospitals: clinical placements: nursing
ANA\California's Position: Pending
AB 1695 (Gipson) - Career technical education: Nursing Pathway Pilot Program
ANA\California's Position: Pending
Senate Bill:
SB 410 (Becker) – Powering Up Californians Act
ANA\California's Position: Support
June 22nd, 2023 - ANA\California signs letter from the American Lung Association.
SB 424 (Durazo) - California Children’s Services Program
ANA\California's Position: Support
May 9th, 2023 - ANA\California signs letter from California Children’s Hospital Association.
SB487 (Atkins) - Abortion: provider protections
ANA\California's Position: Support
March 23rd, 2023 - ANA\California signs letter of support with the California Coalition for Reproductive Freedom.
SB 541 (Menjivar) - Sexual health: contraceptives: immunization
ANA\California's Position: Support
March 29th, 2023 - ANA\California’s contracted lobbyist voices support during the Senate Education Committee hearing.
March 23rd, 2023 - ANA\California signs letter of support with California Coalition of Reproductive Freedom. ANA\California's lobbyist will add "me too" public comment during the upcoming committee hearing.
SB 625 (Nguyen) - Newborn screening: genetic diseases: blood samples collected
ANA\California's Position: Pending
SB-667 (Dodd) - Healing arts: pregnancy and childbirth
ANA\California's Position: Support
June 27th, 2023 - ANA\C testified in support of Senate Bill 667 (Dodd) in the Assembly Business & Professions Committee.
June 20th, 2023 - ANA\California updates support letter to include critical language from CNMA and Black Women for Wellness Action Project.
April 19th, 2023 - Bill passes the Sentate Business, Professions and Economic Development Committee. ANA\California's and Black Women for Wellness Action Project's letters supported the California Nurse-Midwives Association.
April 5th, 2023 - ANA\California submits a letter of support with California Nurse-Midwives Association.
SB 774 (Jones and Grove) - Nonprofit health facilities: sale of assets: Attorney General approval: conditional consent
ANA\California's Position: Watch
April 5th, 2023 - CCRF Coalition sample “Oppose” letter received.
SB 793 (Glazer) - Insurance: privacy notices and personal information
ANA\California's Position: Support
April 5th, 2023 - ANA\California signs support letter.
More Advocacy Updates:
In chronological order:
Aug 3rd - ANA\California signs on the American Lung Association's letter to EPA regarding Carbon Pollution Standards for Power Plants. Reducing climate-warming carbon emissions from the power sector is a necessary step in avoiding worsening climate change impacts and is required by the Clean Air Act.
July 26th - ANA\California signs American Lung Association's letter to California Air Resources Board urging the U.S. EPA to approve California’s waiver for the Small Off-Road Engine (SORE) rule that would help curb harmful emissions from leaf blowers, lawnmowers, and other small equipment.
July 12th - At the request of ANA\California, the American Nurses Association writes a comment letter to CMS on California’s proposal for a Medicaid waiver to expand access to reproductive health services. "ANA supports the waiver, but advocates for CMS to incentivize expanded provider participation in the program, especially APRNs.
July 12th - ANA\California joins Climate Action Campaign's Solutions for Pollution Campaign. Solutions for Pollution is a dynamic, movement-wide advocacy effort to call on the Biden administration to carry out its responsibilities under our nation’s bedrock environmental laws, such as the Clean Air Act, by advancing approximately 20 protections across federal agencies that could cut climate pollution in half by 2030, advance vital public health and environmental justice goals, accelerate the transition to clean energy, and create new economic opportunity.
June 21st - ANA\California signs onto the Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environment's letter to the U.S. EPA regarding the Clean Vehicle Standards Petition. The petition aims to further reduce harmful air pollution from light-duty and medium-duty vehicles.
June 7th - ANA\California writes letter to the San Diego Mayor and City Council on behalf of our San Diego Taskforce Opposing Unsafe Camping Ordinance. This ordinance posed extreme dangers for elderly and medically fragile persons experiencing houselessness.
May 8th - ANA\California signs onto the Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environment's letter to the U.S. EPA regarding the Car and Truck Standards Petition. The petition aims to limit carbon pollution from fossil fuel-fired power plants - which are responsible for one-quarter of U.S. carbon pollution.
April 28th - The American Lung Association's letter to curb harmful fright pollution was adopted by the California Air Resources Board. We are grateful for the more than two dozen health groups and numerous health professionals that raised their voices in support of these major clean air efforts. In addition to the topline health benefits, these rules are critical to achieving the state’s health-protective ozone standards and will bring meaningful relief to lower-income communities and communities of color that have been most impacted by freight-related pollution.
April 24th - ANA\California signs the Californians for Pesticide Reform's letter stating the California Department of Pesticide Regulation must provide the exact location in their pesticide notification program. It is well documented that Latinx, Indigenous and immigrant populations are disproportionately impacted by pesticide exposure, leading to disparities in health outcomes.
April 20th - ANA\California signs the American Lung Association’s letter for the California Air Resources Board (CARB) to curb harmful freight pollution by adopting the In-Use Locomotive Regulation and the Advanced Clean Fleet rules. The implementation of these rules is estimated to save 5,000 lives and generate nearly $60 billion in public health benefits by cutting nitrogen oxides (NOx) and particle pollution (PM2.5) by 2050.