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What will the bill do for nurses?
This bill would require a mental health resiliency program to provide mental health services to licensed health care providers (.e.g nurses) who provide or have provided healthcare services to COVID-19 patients.
The COVID-19 pandemic has pushed nurses and other first responders to their limits. Long hours under stressful and dangerous conditions, fears about contracting the virus, and separation from loved ones is leading to lasting consequences for our front-line professionals.
The time to support mental health is now.
"The nurses we speak to every day tell us they have no fuel left in the tank and their resilience is being seriously tested. It's vital that support is available where and when it is needed, and that managers encourage and support staff to seek help."
Dame Donna Kinnair
RCN Chief Executive and General Secretary
of nurses say their mental health has been affected by COVID-19.
Nursing Standard Survey
mental health ranks as a top priority by the 2021 California Legislature.
CA Health Care Foundation
mental health ranks as a top priority by ANA\California's Membership
ANA\C General Assembly
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