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A racism assessment for health institutions.

Racism in nursing assessment data


  • Nursing Staff (bedside, non-management nurses)

  • Nursing Management (CNOs, directors, managers, and Charge nurses).


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*Note: All data reports will be 'anonymized' and collectivized. 'Anonymization of data' involves the removal of information that could be used to identify individuals, including names, email addresses, and other sensitive information. 'Collective' reporting is data organized to protect against the identification of private ownership or involvement.

© Copyright 2021

American Nurses Association\California

1107 9th St. Suite 350 Sacramento, CA 95814

Office: 916-346-4590


ANA\California Racism in Nursing Assessment for Health Institutions

Choose the best definition for Individual Racism.
Choose the best definiton for Institutional Racism.
Choose the best definition for Structural/systemic racism.
Choose the best definition for Discrimination.
Choose the best definition for Anti-racist.
Choose the best definition for Equality.
Choose the best definition for Equity.
Choose the best definition for Implicit bias.
Choose the best definition for Marginalized/Marginalization.
Choose the best definition for Microaggression.
Choose the best definition for Privilege.
Choose the best definition for Racial justice.
Can you describe, with confidence, the ways in which racism appears in nursing?
Do you have conversations about racism at work?
Would you feel comfortable having a conversation about racism with your immediate manager?
(Management Only) Do you believe your staff would feel comfortable having a conversation about racism with you?
Would you feel comfortable having a conversation about racism with a close colleague (non-friend)?
Do you hear conversations about racism occurring in your organization?
Which of the following statements are microaggressions? Select all that apply.
Would you feel comfortable reporting someone for racism, discrimination, or non-inclusive behaviors?
Do you feel confident in the reporting system’s ability within your organization to hold persons accountable (for racism, discrimination, or non-inclusive behaviors)?
Does your organization make clear and easily accessible contact information and steps for reporting racism?
Is there a mechanism for reporting structural or institutional racism (racism not by a specific individual, but because of processes, policies or procedures)?
Does your organization make available alternative reporting methods?
Regarding reports of racism, discrimination, etc., does your organization have a disciplinary action plan and/or mitigation plan in place?
Have you attended an in-service training for anti-racism, diversity, equity and/or inclusion within the past 12 months?
Have you attended a forum discussion regarding anti-racism, diversity, equity and/or inclusion within the past 12 months.
Does your organization already have a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) assessment a process for gathering data to inform competencies and strategies)?
Does your organization already have an action plan associated with the assessment of DEI competencies and strategies?
Has your organization communicated the results of their action plan (associated with the assessment of DEI competencies and strategies)?
Have you received ongoing communication from the executive leadership of your organization regarding DEI efforts?
Is there a mechanism to make recommendations to executive leadership about how to increase diversity, equity, and inclusion at your organization?
Does your organization have a dedicated DEI representative?
Has your organization hosted a forum discussion for regarding anti-racism, diversity, equity and inclusion within the past 12 months?
Did your organization offer an in-service DEI training within the past 12 months?
Do you see regular communications about DEI training offerings at your organization?
Are you required to attend DEI trainings at your organization?
Does your organization have a formal hiring plan that reflects the diversity of the population you serve or should serve?
Does your organization have a formal succession or mentoring plan that reflects the diversity of the population you serve or should serve?
Does the succession or mentoring plan address promotion of staff that reflect the populations served?
Does the succession or mentoring plan reflect the diversity of the management of your institution?
Does the diversity of your organization’s staff match the diversity of the populations/patients you serve?
Does the diversity of your organization’s leaders and management match the diversity of the populations/patients you serve?
Does the diversity of your organization’s staff match the diversity of the populations/patients you should serve?
Does the diversity of your organization’s leaders and management match the diversity of the populations/patients you should serve?
Do you believe the institution you work for is structurally or institutionally racist?
Do you believe the institution you work for is working toward becoming anti-racist?
Select all ethnic identities that apply.
To which gender identity do you most identify?
Select your Age Group.
Select your highest completed Education Level.
Select your Practice - choose all that apply.
Select your Organization Type.
Are you staff or management?

End of the Assessment

Thanks for submitting! Sign up to receive our published data report by visiting our Racism In Nursing Campaign page.

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Racism in nursing and healthcare is a longstanding public health crisis that needs our attention, both in California and across the nation.

Discrimination impacts all aspects of life, including mental and physical health, career and employment, education, housing, and the justice system. Black, Indigenous, and other People of Color are often subjected to structural and systemic racism in workplace practices, processes inherent in many health care systems, hospitals, and care settings that must be identified, addressed, and eradicated.

“Racist attitudes, bias, stereotypes, and behaviors against nurses and nursing students of color have absolutely no place in nursing and are a direct contradiction to the core values and the Code of Ethics for Nurses. We know that the issue of racism in nursing is a persistent stain on our profession that directly impacts the quality of care for the patients and communities that we serve,” says Dr. Ernest J. Grant, PhD, RN, FAAN, President of the American Nurses Association.

As nurses, we are obligated to first address the systemic racism within our own nursing profession. Only then can we hope to address racism in our healthcare system adequately and comprehensively.

“Racism in a public health crisis. As nurses, we are focused on caring for our patients and communities regardless of race or skin color. However, everyday reality falls short of those noble goals. ANA\California is taking the first step towards eradicating racism. The Future of Nursing Report 2020-2030 Calls for a shared agenda among nursing and healthcare organizations and I could not be prouder of this groundbreaking initiative,” says Dr. Anita Girard, DNP, RN, CPHQ, NEA-BC, President of American Nurses Association\California 2021-2023.

"Racism in nursing and healthcare is a systematic and institutionalized problem and must be approached as such. These assessments and plans of action are only the first steps in our journey to eradicate racism. Health equity and social justice are our common goals, and we are proudly disrupting the current status quo through meaningful and sustainable policy change in nursing practice," says Dr. Marketa Houskova, DNP, MAIA, BA, RN, Executive Director of ANA\California.

The Racism in Nursing Assessments™ are meant to serve as a catalyst for sustainable change, as well as a roadmap to facilitate individual and organizational awareness of systemic racism in nursing and healthcare.

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